
This page describes all the options in your configuration files.


This is the default configuration file.

config-version: 1.0.3
locale: en
canDriveOverSlabs: true
canDriveOverBlocks: true
repairCostDivision: 100.0
vehicleDamage: true
entityCollisionStop: true
entityCollisionDamageSelf: true
entityCollisionDamageEntity: true
renameCost: 1000.0
ownerChangeCost: 1000.0
onlySpawnOnSpawnpoints: false
showActionBar: true


This value is used internally to determine whether or not to automatically update the config.yml file.

config-version: 1.0.3

Do not manually edit this value! It may result in corruption of your files.


Changing this value allows you to change the language used for VehiclesPlus. The value must match a valid file under the locale folder.

locale: en


Changes the ability to drive over half blocks, or slabs. Disabling this will prevent vehicles from automatically "climbing" over half slabs.

canDriveOverSlabs: true


Changes the ability to drive over full blocks. Disabling this will prevent vehicles from automatically "climbing" over full blocks.

canDriveOverBlocks: true


The number to divide the vehicle's purchase cost by when repairing a vehicle. For example, when repairing a car that costs $15,000, by default, it will cost $150 to repair. 15000 / 100 = 150

repairCostDivision: 100.0


Globally enable or disable vehicle damage. When disabled, vehicles will be invincible and take no damage on collision with other objects or entities.

vehicleDamage: true


Will the vehicle come to a halt when it collides with an entity? Set to false to allow the vehicle to lose no speed when colliding with entities.

entityCollisionStop: true


When colliding with an entity, should the vehicle take damage? Set to false to disable vehicle damage when colliding with entities.

entityCollisionDamageSelf: true


When colliding with an entity, should the entity take damage? Set to false to disable entity damage when the entity is hit by a vehicle.

entityCollisionDamageEntity: true


The price that it costs to rename your vehicle.

renameCost: 1000.0


The price that it costs to transfer your vehicle to a new owner.

ownerChangeCost: 1000.0


Should vehicles only be able to spawn on a Spawnpoint? Set to false to allow vehicles to be spawned in anywhere.

onlySpawnOnSpawnpoints: false


Should an action bar with vehicle stats be shown while in the driver's seat? Set to false to disable.

showActionBar: true


This is the default sounds.yml configuration file.

    sound: car.idle
    duration: 6
    sound: car.start
    duration: 2
    sound: car.accelerate
    duration: 2
    sound: car.driving
    duration: 2
    sound: car.slowingdown
    duration: 2

Understanding sounds.yml

Each vehicle can have its own sound effects associated with it. Currently, the example resource pack only provides sounds for the example car.

There are six different types of sounds that can be made during a vehicle's motion:

  • idle

  • start

  • accelerate

  • driving

  • slowingdown

Each sound corresponds to a specific type of motion that the vehicle can make.


Sound produced when a vehicle is not in motion.


Sound produced when a vehicle starts up.


Sound produced when a vehicle is speeding up.


Sound produced when a vehicle is driving at a near-constant speed.


Sound produced when a car is slowing down.

The sound value corresponds to a specific sound file found in the resource pack. Additionally, the duration value corresponds to the sound's duration.

Adding Custom Vehicle Sounds

Editing or adding vehicle sounds is quite simple.

  1. Begin by duplicating the examplecar sound configuration in the sounds.yml file.

  2. Edit the examplecar values to match the name of your vehicle. For example, if I had a vehicle named TestVehicle, I would change examplecar-engine-idle to testvehicle-engine-idle.

  3. Add your sound files to your resource pack, under the assets/minecraft/sounds folder. It is highly recommended that you create an additional folder for your specific vehicle's sounds, such as assets/minecraft/sounds/testvehicle.

The sounds.yml file is case insensitive. You may choose to change your car's name to be completely lowercase if you wish, as shown in the example above.

It is important to make sure that your sound files are in the .ogg format. Minecraft does not support any other sound format. An online MP3 to OGG converter can be found here.

Adding your own language.

Understanding Locale Files

Within a locale file, you are able to change the messages that are sent by VehiclesPlus. Every message sent by VehiclesPlus is completely customizable.

Creating a Locale File

  1. Begin by making a copy of the lang_en.yml file, located under plugins/VehiclesPlus/locale. This is the default English locale file.

  2. Rename the file to match the language that you are translating. For example, Spanish would be lang_es.yml. To view a list of standard 2 letter language names, click here. You do not necessarily have to match these names, but it is recommended.

  3. Once renamed, open the file and begin editing the messages. Once you are satisfied, save the file.

  4. Open your config.yml file. Find the line that says locale: en and edit it to match the name of your locale file. For example, if I had created lang_es.yml, I would change the line to locale: es.

  5. Save your config.yml and restart the server.

Do not include the lang_ prefix or .yml ending on the locale: en line in your configuration.

Last updated